Fields of Operation

Swiftwater/Flood Water Rescue
Swiftwater rescue can be both challenging and dangerous, requiring skill, timing, and teamwork in order to be effective. In Central Arizona, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of swiftwater rescue incidents. This is in part due to the continued influx of new people who are unaware of the dangers presented by Arizona's flash floods. With the team's helicopter rescue capability, Mountain Rescue is able to fly quickly to scenes and provide helicopter-based swiftwater and flood rescues.
Our usually bone-dry desert is deceiving. The steep terrain and hard desert surface combine to turn even small storms into boulder-rolling flash floods. Of the resulting drownings, many are preventable, but too many people continue to drive around the barriers that warn you the road is flooded.

Swiftwater Rodeos
Mountain Rescue is proud to participate each year in the annual Swiftwater Rodeo. This event brings together teams from across the state to compete in scenarios based on real rescues. Every year, Mountain Rescue is the team to beat. Special thanks to the organizers of this event for making it fun and safe for everyone involved.
On August 5th, 2005, a Category 3 hurricane hit Southeastern Louisiana. Mountain Rescue provided Swiftwater/Flood Rescue resources via the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office and the Emergency Management Assistance Compact to Hurricane Katrina victims.